This Quote has expired.


12155 Magnolia Avenue Unit 10-E,
Riverside, CA 92503

Phone: (951) 279-7705
CSLB Lic # 962294

Quote Number QUO-0018
Quote Date March 26, 2018
Valid Until December 31, 2018
Total $140,699.40
Caliber Construction

240 North Orange Avenue Brea, CA 92821

Pyless Surrender: 26881 Palmetto Ave, Redlands CA

We hereby propose to furnish all equipment and materials, and perform the labor necessary for the completion of the following work:

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Fix/repair all exoxy repairs completed by Payless, 1,000 bolts/spalls
1 Grind misc. bolts and raised patches. Based on 30,640 bolts & spalls.
1 Remove all painted yellow lines. Based on 2,000lf
565360 Scrub & rinse warehouse floor 565,360sf
565360 Apply one coat of a clear acrylic sealer. (optional)
1 Remove epoxy at exit door in NW corner and offices, Based on 2,720sf
1 Mechanically grind and remove all epoxy not removed by Payless. Based on 1,710sf
1 Tape line glue residue. Based on 39,500lf
1 Spalled expansion joints 1" wide & up. based on 500lf
1 Grind concrete 2,300sf $2,300.000.00%$2,300.00
Sub Total $140,699.40
Tax $0.00
Total $140,699.40

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